Episode 90 - The Christmas Ale Challenge and the Birth of the Long and Uncomfortable

Some traditions are rich in history and purpose while others are just about getting drunk. Itā€™s St. Paddyā€™s Day today, but Iā€™ll be pulling from another holiday for a tale of competitive drinking, and hugs all around. Strength and Love are strong in todayā€™s reading with a touch of Sun to make it all better.

Episode 89 - Better Late Than Starving

I have a horrible sense of direction, so of course when I was twenty-one I got a job as a delivery driver fro Jasonā€™s Deli. Despite my shortcoming I figured it out, and it went on to be my most favorite job ever. They werenā€™t all winners though, and one evening I was swallowed up by a neighborhood for three hours trying to find the house. The end result was . . . not pretty.

Episode 88 - Eggs and Tape. What a Combo!

This weekā€™s story comes from my younger days of getting into mischief. I guess to be honest we just invented new methods of mischief, and this is the story of one of those inventions. Also, pentacles with a cup come together in royal fashion in this weekā€™s reading.

Episode 87 - Please Don't Look Behind Door Number One

This week I step back into my days as a clerk at the good olā€™ software store, and how the unruly actions of myself and fellow co-workers may or may not have caused a District Manager to quit. Plus, wands and magic are flying around this weekā€™s reading!

Episode 86 - I'm Not a Sportsman

We canā€™t all be sportsman, right? This week I give some background into the recording of a classic Letters to Voltron record as well as learning when not to hang out in the pool with your band mate.

Episode 85 - But Dude, You Friended Me

Despite the amount of weirdos and creepers on social media these days itā€™s still an amazing tool when used correctly. If you donā€™t like or agree with what someone says or does all you have to do is not look at their posts, right? It seems thatā€™s not the case with a lot of people who feel the need to express why they donā€™t like it in venomous messages and unnecessarily scathing comments, which happens to be what our story is about this week.

Episode 84 - Manifesting Paula Abdul

Is it possible to manifest physical objects into existence? Nothing useful, but mostly pop music pressed on a dead medium. Iā€™m not sure, but I have a story where a nine-year-old me Straight Up may have made it happen. Plus, check out my NEW book, As Seen On T.V., from Grindhouse Press!

Episode 83 - Days of the Dead Atalanta 2019 Recap

Iā€™m back from Days of the Dead Atlanta 2019, and Iā€™m ready to tell you all about it! Tune in to hear my breakdown of all three days along with all the weird, fuzzy parts in between.

Episode 82 - The Long, Drunk, Walk. A Donk's Prequel

Remember that time we went to Donkā€™s when johnwayneisdead was on tour? This week I give a detailed account of the events leading up to that glorious adventure including a walk to end all walks. Plus, my NEW book, As Seen On T.V., is out now from Grindhouse Press so check it out!

Episode 81 - Bizarrocon 11 Recap Adventures

Iā€™m fresh back from my 6th BizarroCon in a row, which was the 11th overall, and I canā€™t wait to tell you all about it. This is easily one of my favorite events every year, and this was no exception. Tune in to hear all about what a time I had!

Episode 80 - Captain Safety Patrol!

This week I tell a tale of my time as Safety Patrol Captain in fifth grade, and an innocent misstep that landed me in hot water with ā€˜the manā€™. Also, I get denied a table at a convention because of my ā€˜contentā€™.

Episode 78 - First Third World Problems

A few years back I ventured waaaayyyy out of my comfort zone when I went on a trip to Nicaragua. As a guy who doesnā€™t enjoy doing ā€˜outside thingsā€™ you can imagine how it went. There were some bright times too, but Iā€™d rather see the movie.

Episode 77 - How the Service Industry Ruined Christmas for Me

Itā€™s the most wonderful time of the year . . . if you donā€™t have to deal with a million mouth breathers who have apparently never interacted with another human being. Thatā€™s right, this week Iā€™m talking working in the service industry during the holiday season, and how it squeezes any of every form of good cheer from your entire being.

Episode 76 - Jekyll and Hyde Comic and Horror Con Recap

Iā€™m fresh back from the 2018 Jekyll and Hyde Comic and Horror Convention, and am ready to tell you all about it. I detail the trip starting from Nick P and I leaving Houston and all the chili-drenched, hotdogginā€™ good times along the way. What a time was had!

Episode 75 - In the Court of the Homecoming King

This week I look back into my high school days again at a time when I was introduced to the world of high school royalty in the form of the homecoming court. There was no way I would be nominated, but that was my name they called over the loudspeaker. I was caught off guard, out of my element, and dressed to depress, but from all of this a small spark of confidence was birthed.

Episode 74 - Poo Shoe

Stepping in dog shit isnā€™t the end of the world, and is mostly funny when it happens. That is unless youā€™re me in seventh grade. This week I pull from the archives of my childhood when I was an emo, giant pussy who cried at the drop of a dime, or in this case a shit.

Episode 73 - Nick P, Galveston, and Me

In a special episode I have one of my best buds ever, Nick P, over to Wayne Manor to help tell a story we experienced together. It was a rowdy, and poorly remembered trip to Galveston, but we managed to put the pieces together enough to agree on what happened. At least I think we agree . . .

Episode 72 - You Send Me Swangin'

Ah, New Orleans. A city of culture, history, and vomit. Lots and lots of vomit. This isnā€™t a vomit story, but it is about a trip to good olā€™ NOLA that happened to coincide with a National Swingers Convention. Did I mention it was also a city of great adventure!

Epiosde 71 - Walk This Way, But Not That Way

This week I talk about another time I found myself in a studio situation i probably had no business being a part of, but such is my life. I tried to help skirt the licensing laws, but I was in no danger since pulling it all off proved harder than anticipated.